And With the Example of the Butterfly, the Creator Teaches Us (Archived)

An observer of God’s laws in his universe can only sense the similarity between these laws starting with the smallest particle of matter such as an atom to the greatest thing that our brains are capable of comprehending, such as galaxies and astronomy around us. All these sciences point at the fact that unanimity of creation and the creatures’ obedience of all these laws, as they all revolve around the Creator’s orbit “All rotates in an orbit.”


All kinds of science share these laws, including humanities, sociologies and everything that governs the movement of human beings.


Therefore, one who is knowledgeable in any of these areas gains wisdom and awareness that help him understand the laws of the universe, the laws of the motion of matter and its reactions, and then apply this understanding to the laws of human motion and their interactions. This eases the comprehension of God’s laws and a side of His mercy upon humans’ brains, as well as a reward for those who take the time to observe and think about His ways in His universe.


“Only those fear God, from among His servants, who have knowledge.”


Minds may become unable to notice these laws as a result of lethargy of the senses after the repetition of scenes and setback of human nature. And when one sees a new image of one of these laws, the mind beholds with eyes of a child for the first time; the sign shocks him and he gains deeper understanding of a law that might become neglected, while it might be the most important reason behind success and rescue.


My brother, engineer Mohammad Fitaihi, sent me a personal article that embodied and clarified these meanings, and I would like to share it with you and show it to you as my brother wrote it without modification, with his permission:

“Intellectuals, as well as the general public, believed that the universe functions as a huge machine where actions generate equal reactions. For example, big events generate big reactions, and small events also generate small reactions.


But Edward Lorenz, the American meteorologist, was hesitant to accept that idea, and was encouraged to discuss it in his mind with a strange, puzzling yet simple question: “Is it possible for a fluttering wing of a butterfly in Singapore, for example, to have an impact on a devastating hurricane threatening North Carolina in the United States?”


After an extensive study that took years of research and analysis, the scientist reached an answer in 1963, which was “Yes.”


A butterfly with the motion of its wings can have an effect on a hurricane in North Carolina, as the sum of small actions seen as negligible from our perspective might cause a great reaction.


The Butterfly Effect is one of the most important theories that science came across in the past 20 years.


This phenomenon proves that an action, big or small, might cause an effect that is greater than the action itself, directly or indirectly. Therefore, every effort we see, whether moral or tangible, made to build any work might be the smallest stone that is needed to finish the greatest structure known to man during his life or after his death, and no one knows that except the one who known the seen and the unseen, who is aware of every atom on earth and in heaven.


“So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.”



OKAZ Newspaper – Tuesday 11 Rajab 1418 AH falling on 11 November 1997 AD