Medicine Is a Cure and a Disease

It is God’s wisdom that He created illness and health, disease and medicine. Without illness, the meaning of health cannot be understood, and without disease, a cure cannot be sought after and God’s signs in ourselves cannot be discovered.


God created everything by accurate measures and standards (accurate proportions) “Indeed, all things We created with predestination.” He also assigned a scale on which we can rely and methods that control these standards, then he asked us to study these methods. With the scientific research into God’s signs that we were required to do “and (who) give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying), “Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly”  the greatness of our Creator and the splendor of His creation becomes apparent.


These methods control everything including the creation of man “And in yourselves. Then will you not see?” Messing with these accurate percentages without knowledge might cause an imbalance in the scale and corruption on earth and what it contains of God’s creations.


God sent illness and the cure, as Abu Dawood narrated in his book about Abu Al-Dardaa, who said “The prophet (PBUH) said: God sent illness and the cure, and made a cure for every illness… So seek treatment and don’t treat with the prohibited.


The science of bodies –aka medicine – is one of the most difficult and most challenging sciences to the human brain, as it requires spending tens of years in training and treating thousands of cases and continuous reading, and attending conferences and courses and preparation for many experiments before receiving a license to practice the profession.


Medicine is one of the doctor’s weapons that he carefully and accurately deals with. It is a double-edged weapon; just as it brings recovery – with God’s will – and takes away the symptoms of illness, it can also cause another illness if it was misused and cause side effects.


In Western countries, especially the United States, a lot of medications are not given without a doctor’s prescription. The doctor is responsible for giving directions to use the medicine and the suitable dosage and the duration of treatment etc.


During my last visit to some Arab countries, I was surprised to see a lot of families keeping a lot of prescription-only medications in their houses, and a lot of times a family member plays the role of a doctor and gives the medication to the rest of family members with all confidence and without feeling any reservation or need to consult a doctor. A lot of them do not know the scientific name of the active ingredients – the generic name of the medication – but only deal with the trade name of it.


That person might give a patient two medications, thinking that they are two different medicines, while in fact they are the same medication, and that increases the chance to develop side effects.


Other common examples include taking medicine for no real necessity or taking the wrong dosage, or ignoring the patient’s age or other conditions he suffers from that require the preference of a different medication, changing the dosage or the duration of treatment.


There are many other examples of mistakes that one might commit if he does not follow this science correctly and without a practicing license.


Every family has to select a doctor they trust to be their reference in making decisions concerning medications like in the West, and that doctor becomes the family’s doctor who, after a while – becomes able to understand the mental and physiological needs of the family members and how effective one medication can be on each one of them, and that way a doctor becomes more likely to make the right decision about treatment.


May God bless a man who knew his worth.