Nations Arise By Their Youth

The American daily New York Times newspaper wrote in its issue on 19 May 1997 a report about employment opportunities for university graduates. The report included personal interviews with a big number of graduates of that year and university officials. The report reassured with no doubt that the year of 1997 was one of the best years in the history of America during the last two decades, as the majority of graduates, whose ages ranged between 21-23 years, received employment offers months prior to their graduation, and the number of corporations that visited the universities and interviewed students increased notably. Furthermore, a lot of graduates signed multiple work contracts, as many as 6 contracts per student. The increase of wages compared to previous years could reach 25% in some fields.


The report confirmed that the increase is a good indication of prosperity and growth of the economic activity in America, and that unemployment went down to less than 5%. An official from the graduate students’ employment office at one university said that there will not be a single unemployed student this year. A 21-year-old graduate, who happened to be from an Indian origin, said that 90% of his friends were employed before graduation and with unexpected wages. The student assured that whoever does his duties as a university student and graduates should not have any difficulties in getting a job.


A situation such as this one in any society will have an echo in the minds and hearts of the youth for years. The message that is being sent to these young people is that taking the route of higher education and hard work will always be rewarded and that their society appreciates their efforts and needs their knowledge.



That is how societies incorporate respect for knowledge, confidence and self-worth in the minds of their youth, to create and excel, so that nations can reap as they sow. Nations arise by their youth.