The Hidden Killer

The New England Journal of Medicine, the best-known medical magazine, published in its issue of 13 February 1997 the results of a study concerning the effects of using a cellphone while driving on car accident rates.   The reason behind conducting the study is the fact that car accidents are the leading cause of death […]

Rejoice In Your Transaction Which You Have Contracted

Islam deals with the human psyche as to nurture the good it was given and tame its evil tendencies, and helps it elevate into piety and purity, as the Almighty said “And by the soul and He who proportioned it, and inspired it with discernment of its wickedness and its righteousness. He has succeeded who […]

“Eat and Drink and Be Not Extravagant”

Scientific proof is accumulating to prove that obesity and weight gain have a direct negative impact on health, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver, arthritis, gallstones, and even increased rates of getting some sorts of cancer.   Studies indicate that the rates of developing high blood […]

برنامج آفـــاق صحية مع د. وليد فتيحي حلقة 25 الإعاقــة

برنامج آفـــاق صحية مع د. وليد فتيحي حلقة 24 جريمة في حق الرضع

Fast and You Shall Be Healthy

In a previous article, we mentioned the effect of fasting on the mind, body and soul of the person performing fasting, some of which are obvious while others are hidden, obscure and unknown to anyone but God.   Medicine reveals to us each day the benefits of fasting, which can be a testimony to the […]

برنامج آفـــاق صحية مع د. وليد فتيحي حلقة 22 بين المعلم وطالب العلم

So We Don’t Straggle Behind the Group

Every issue in life has different angles. Life issues cannot be carefully dealt with and fully understood without taking into consideration all the different aspects and angles. Nations and people do not move forward without a complete and comprehensive understanding of their own issues, which cannot be achieved without the people’s participation in giving their […]

Those Who Restrain Anger and Pardon People

Every time you get angry, you cause your heartbeats and blood pressure to rise and your blood vessels to contract. And if you suffer from arteriosclerosis as a result of plaque build-up, smoking, diabetes or blood pressure – whether you were aware or not, each episode of anger causes a decrease in the blood flow […]

برنامج آفـــاق صحية مع د. وليد فتيحي حلقة 19 ملائكة الرحمة – التمريض

A Question Demanding an Answer

During my last visit to the British capital of London, a family member had a minor accident, so one of our friends arranged a visit for her with an osteopathist in a private hospital in London. After accompanying the patient, it was clear to me that it was one of the best private hospitals.   […]

How Long Will We Remain Enemies of Ourselves?

It is no secret that smoking causes severe damage to health, as in the different types of cancer that do not exclude a single part of the human body like the lungs, mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, bladder, pancreas, thyroid gland, prostate, blood, brain and skin. It also causes cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes, arteriosclerosis and […]

برنامج آفـــاق صحية مع د. وليد فتيحي حلقة 17 الشطار

A Real Story

The pager started ringing and the doctor looked at the caller ID to see that it was his home phone number followed by 99; the code on which he agreed with his wife to indicate emergency. The doctor knew an accident happened; he started praying to God for mercy as he dialed his home phone […]

برنامج آفـــاق صحية مع د. وليد فتيحي حلقة 15 الدين والحياة