The Revival of the Common Denominators (Archived)

The observer of international newspaper during the days that followed the 8thIslamic Summit Conference, which took place in Tehran from 9-11 December 1997, can read between the lines and see the resentment and terror of any form of an Islamic unity or gathering.   On Friday, 12 December 1997, the New York Times newspaper wrote […]

So the Gap Doesn’t Widen Too Much (Archived)

Recently, there has been much talk in the scientific community about the importance of financing studies and research in all areas, which is a necessity without which there is no improvement or progression.   Despite the fact that there are certain sciences that are prohibited in the third world, which are known to the reader, […]

الفساد…سرطان المجتمعات

أوجب الله على المؤمن أن ينظر نظرة المتأمل الدارس لسنن الله التي أجراها على خلقه وأن يتعمق فيها بآلة عقله ليصل بذلك إلى كمال إيمان قلبه بوحدانية خالقه.. (إن في خلق السموات الأرض واختلاف الليل والنهار لآيات لأولي الألباب). فالسنن والأنماط الكونية التي تحكم الأمور بصورة قهرية ليس للإنسان فيها خيار – سواء كان ذلك […]

Beware the Semi-Scientists

During the early 60’s, drug companies used to submit more than 700 requests to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) annually to approve new drugs and obtain a license to market them, and the FDA had to revise all the information and studies regarding the drug in no longer than 60 days, then it provided […]

Let’s Ask Ourselves: What Have We Done For Our Societies?

In every society, there is a group of people whose main focus is on moral issues, which don’t usually have any financial returns worth mentioning, and the benefits and returns of this group’s work go to their societies before themselves.    They display the beauty and splendor of these societies, as in the case of […]

رزان .. بعد مسرة وميسرة

قبل ثلاثة أعوام وفي نفس هذا الشهر أكتوبر عام 2008م، نشر المركز الطبي الدولي في الصفحة الأخيرة من جريدة عكاظ إعلانا مدفوعا سردنا فيه قصة واقعية موثقة الأحداث بأدق تفاصيلها ورويناها على لسان والد الضحيتين مسرة وميسرة بعنوان : من الذي قتل مسرة وميسرة) وخلاصة القصة هي أن كلا من مسرة البالغة من العمر سبعة […]


أنتج فريق من الشباب السعودي فيلماً من نوع الكوميديا السوداء المضحكة المبكية بعنوان مونوبولي، وعرض على اليوتيوب وشاهده أكثر من مليون شخص في أسبوعه الأول، وهذا الفيلم يعد بمثابة صرخة استغاثة من الشباب، فمنذ أكثر من عقدين من الزمن وموضوع الأراضي البيضاء موضوع مناقشة وحوار ساخن.. والأراضي البيضاء هي الأراضي المتواجدة في المناطق العمرانية والتي […]

We Feel Sorry For Ourselves

We live in a world full of ordeals, pains and disasters. Every day, newspapers bring us heartbreaking news.   And usually the effect of such disasters is variable, and that variation has many different reasons, such as the different beliefs and interests of people, and the psychological, geographical and historical barriers. These factors have an […]

That Is How Journalism Should Be

In April 1997, the international weekly Newsweek Magazine published a special section about children titled “Your Child”. It was a rich, valuable issue that tackled many important and vital topics that concern parents and educators. The topics were displayed in a way that was simplified, cited, and very interesting.   The seasonal issue was supposed […]

A Trade We Bequeath to Our Offspring

Although Armand Hammer was known in the United States by his success as a director of Occidental, the biggest international oil company, and a personal adviser for presidents of the United States, from the days of Roosevelt to Regan, as well as being a business tycoon, his name was better known in humanitarian and charitable […]

And to Delegate Things to the Experts

Abraham Lincoln was known as a man of principles and justice before history described him as the greatest president of the United States, with lots of sayings and actions that testify and support history’s judgment upon him.   One of the things for which he dedicated his life and made many sacrifices and was able […]

Nations Arise By Their Youth

The American daily New York Times newspaper wrote in its issue on 19 May 1997 a report about employment opportunities for university graduates. The report included personal interviews with a big number of graduates of that year and university officials. The report reassured with no doubt that the year of 1997 was one of the […]

So He and All of Us Can Survive

More and more studies confirm the negative effects of passive smoking, which is inhaling cigarette smoke while being around smokers, the latest of which was the 10-year study conducted by Harvard Medical School and published in 20 May 1997 with the participation of 32,000 non-smoking women. The study found that being continuously exposed to smoke […]

A Call for Help… Have We Answered?

On Wednesday, 26 March 1997, authorities in the State of California found 39 corpses of 21 women and 18 men, who were involved in the biggest group suicide in the history of the United States. The corpses were found in different rooms in a spacious house. They wore black clothes and brand new sneakers, and […]

And We Pay the Price

Finally, after three decades of the vicious war between the US government and the major tobacco companies, the lawsuits made by 22 American states against tobacco companies were successful. One of the tobacco companies, The Liggett Group, was obligated to cooperate with the American government in 21 March 1997, and in return they were exempted […]